To check/edit the settings of a given profile press the "Edit selected profile" button. Select the desired codec from the profile list.In the "Convert" windows specify the destination file name (including file extension - e.g.Add the input file(s) or stream(s) you want to transcode.In VLC, go to "Media > Convert / Save." (Ctrl+R).One of the methods of transcoding is via the GUI. The term transcode by itself normally refers to converting one media format to another and saving the output to a file (i.e. There are two methods for transcoding in VLC: via the GUI (VLC's default interface) or via the commandline. Transcoding is the process of taking a media file or stream and converting it to a different format or bitrate. For more information about the formats and codecs supported please see the VideoLAN Streaming Features list. VLC media player is able to stream, transcode and save different media streams. 3.2 Streaming using the command line interface.2.2.5 Other examples commandline strings.2.2.4 Example commandline: Converting an audio file to a MP3 file.

2.2.3 Transcoding commandline string structure.